Oil bonds Uganda and Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka has pledged closer ties with Uganda and one of the reasons that the Sri Lankan minister of foreign affairs, Professor G.L. Peiris gave for the need for closer ties between the two countries was the fact that Sri Lanka and Uganda were faced with similar challenges especially in their oil and gas sectors.

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Details of Uganda government case with Heritage Oil in London

Legal Brief of Heritage oil case with Uganda Government- this is a government of Uganda document prepared by the Attorney General’s Office in Kampala. 1.0     BACKGROUND INFORMATION REGARDING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLICOF UGANDAArND HERITAGE OIL & GAS LIMITED. 1.1     Heritage Oil and Gas Limited (Heritage) and Tullow Uganda Limited (Tullow) were jointly licensed by the

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Tullow oil investment profile in Uganda

This is a verbatim intelligence briefing by the government on Tullow’s investment profile in Uganda trying to justify why Tullow should be cleared to continue oil operations in Uganda. 17 Aug, 2011 RE: TULLOW INVESTMENT PROFILE IN UGANDA Suffice to comment here that I used that e-mail I forwarded to you about the speculation that

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Tullow comopletes $2.9 billion farm down to Total and CNOOC

News Release Tullow Oil plc (Tullow) is pleased to announce that it has completed the farm-down of 66.6666% of its Ugandan licences to CNOOC Limited and Total for a consideration of $2.9 billion. The farm-down follows the recent signing of Production Sharing Agreements (“PSAs”) and the Kingfisher production licence with the Government of Uganda. Tullow,

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Tullow to sell stake to Total and CNOC after getting Production license and agreement from Uganda

The government of Uganda has finally award to Tullow Oil Company an oil production license for 400 million barrel kingfisher oil well found in western Uganda worth 1.5 billion US dollars. Tullow oil will now be able to resume oil activities in the region and especially sell two thirds of its its stake to Ferance’s Total and China’s CNOC. The long waited move

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