Government to build oil terminal in Wakiso

As government prepares for the construction of an oil refinery in Hoima district, plans to build a petroleum distribution terminal at Buloba, outside Kampala, have been mooted.   Irene Batebe, a petroleum officer in charge of refining at the Petroleum Exploration and Production department (PEDP), told journalists recently that a pipeline from the refinery would

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Museveni wants a joint Oil Pool for EAC

Museveni has asked the five countries of the East African community to pool regional natural resources for the purpose of catapulting the EAC into the league of industrialised countries by 2063.   “If we use our bumper natural resources jointly and wisely, our countries will be joining the ‘First World’ ranks in five decades from

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Oil draws Hoima farmers into growing vegetables

The prospect of a ready market for fresh produce in the oil camps has turned out to be a huge motivation for farmers in Hoima District to start up horticultural projects. Once a no-go area for farmers in Bunyoro, it interesting to learn that now some farmers have abandoned the popular farming areas like rice

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Hoima to get science university

The government is set to establish a science university in Hoima district to train oil and gas related academic disciplines. This is a rare gesture that will go a long way in convincing some hardliners in the Bunyoro sub- region that the government is committed to ensuring that locals in the Albertine Graben benefit from

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Government publishes draft Strategic Environmental Assessment for Oil and Gas Activities in the Albertine Graben

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development and the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) have developed the final draft of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the oil and gas activities in the Albertine Graben of Uganda. The SEA was developed with support from Oil for Development (OFD) Program a bilateral agreement between Government of

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Environmentalists rise against degradation in Albertine Graben

Activists, government and politicians that are in charge of environmental dockets in Bunyoro are pushing the government and oil firms into ensuring that the environment is not damaged during oil exploration activities in the Albertine grabben. According to the World Wide Fund (WWF), the Albertine Rift Valley is Africa’s most diverse eco-region and Uganda’s proven

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