African Institute For Energy Governance tasks Uganda Presidential candidates to address anomalies in the Oil Industry

The African institute for Energy governance (AFIEGO) called on Uganda presidential candidates to address themselves on anomalies surrounding the oil industry. The Organisation highlighted a number of issues including; ensuring that the Ministry of Energy and mineral development puts in place the local content policy as prescribed in the National Oil and Gas Policy (NOGP) 2008, Ensuring

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Tullow announce Farm-down in Kenya, expects to make Final Investment Decision in Uganda in 2017

British-African Giant Tullow Oil Plc has expressed optimism about the status of its development projects in East Africa saying it’s nearing Final Investment Decision (FID) The revelations are contained in the Company’s November Trading update, which details the current project status and the business projection of the last quarter of the company’s Financial year. Tullow

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Oil and gas Activity Glossary: Definition of Major Terms Used

2C: Best estimate 2D: Two dimensional 2P: Proven and probable ACQ: Annual Contract Quarterly Appraisal Well: Well drilled after the discovery of oil or gas to establish the limits of the reservoir, the productivity of wells in it and the properties of the oil or gas. See also development well Barrel: (bbl: barrel; mmbbls: million barrels) a unit

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About Africa Institute for Energy Governance (Afiego)

Africa Institute for Energy Governance (AFIEGO) is a public policy research and advocacy NGO  dedicated to influencing energy policies to benefit the poor and vulnerable. Based in Kampala- Uganda, the organization was born out of the need to contribute to efforts to turn Africa’s energy potential into reality; and to ensure that the common man

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‘Africa Oil Industry is Our Business Focus’, Oil Well Technology firm AGR assures delegates at Africa Oil Week Summit

Statement by AGR at the 22nd annual Africa Oil Week in Capetown South Africa… CAPETOWN We have managed over 500 well projects globally, over 40 of which have been in Africa. Last year, AGR’s Well Management team managed well planning, logistics support and operational execution on projects in Morocco, Tunisia and Benin. The continued transaction

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