OPEC says Oil prices will recover by 2020

By agencies… Oil producers’ group Opec has said it expects oil prices to recover to $70 a barrel by 2020. Prices have fallen from more than $110 a barrel in the summer of 2014 to less than $37 a barrel now due to oversupply and slowing demand. But Opec said oil prices would begin to

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Pan Africa Energy Tanzania draws $20 Million from International Finance Corporation to finance gas Field

Orca Exploration Group  announced that its subsidiary, Pan African Energy Tanzania Limited (PAET) has made an initial draw-down of US$20 million from the available US$60 million International Finance Corporation (IFC) loan facility which was signed on 29 October 2015 PAET intends to make additional drawdowns of the Loan which will be subject to meeting all

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All Not well in Norway’s Oil Town as the ‘low price effect’ hits harder

By AFP… Sparkling wine instead of champagne, companies cancelling their Christmas celebrations, unemployment soaring and real estate prices flagging: with crude prices plunging from record highs, Norway’s oil capital Stavanger is hungover after the party. “There you go, another rejection.” Roger Schurmeyer holds up the umpteenth job rejection letter he has received on his smartphone.

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