Watchdog: Nigeria Lost $5.9 Billion from Oil in 2013 due to Theft, vandalism and Irresponsible Gov’t Dealings

Africa’s largest Oil producer Nigeria lost over $5.9 billion in oil theft and vandalism of major installation and irresponsible secret government dealings, Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative said. The watchdog’s Executive director Waziri Adio, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) at a forum on July 19, 2016 in Abuja that 4.7 billion dollars was lost

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Uganda and Tanzania Say Pipeline Negotiations are Progressing, Project will Start in January 2017

Uganda and Tanzania announced progress in the negotiations preceding the construction of a Crude Oil Export pipeline from oil-rich Albertine graben to Tanzanian Northeastern port of Tanga. Officials, technocrats and investors are holding a series of close door meetings which targets January 2017 as the project commencement time and 2019/2020 as the completion deadline. At

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Huge portion of the designers from educational institutions

Huge portion of the designers from educational institutions In some cases a large portion of the technical engineers from universities, the fools in the practice of their job, make modest using of increased mathematics.Significantly situation, inside a list of questions brought to alumni of Sibley College or university of Cornell niversity in Ithaca, about half

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